How Much Money Does Sam Watters Make? Latest Income Salary

Per Month: $2 Million Per Week: $500,000

Image result for Sam Watters Samuel Joshua "Sam" Watters (born July 23, 1970) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and record executive. Watters was a member of the multi-platinum selling 1990s R&B group Color Me Badd and co-authored many of their hits including “I Adore Mi Amor”, and “All 4 Love”. Net Worth:

Sam Watters Net Worth: $100 Million

Sam Watters's Income / Salary:
Per Year: $20 Million

Per Month: $2 Million

Per Week: $500,000

Per Day:Per Hour:Per Minute:Per Second:

Since you arrived on this page at , Sam Watters Earned:

