- 4 Caterpillar Playing Pieces
- 20 Butterfly Puzzle Pieces
- 58 Movement Cards
- Game Board
Each player chooses a Caterpillar Playing Piece and places it on the corresponding colored START space on the Game Board.
Shuffle the Movement Cards and place them face-down on the sun in the middle of the Game Board.
Separate the Butterfly Puzzle Pieces into groups of matching fruit (on back of puzzle pieces) and place them next to the Game Board with the fruit side facing up.
Object of the Game
Be the first player to transform your caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly by collecting five (5) unique puzzle pieces and building a one-of-a-kind butterfly.
Game Play
The youngest player goes first by turning over a Movement Card and moving the number of spaces on the Game Board as indicated on the Card.
If the player lands on a fruit space during his/her move, the player Stops and Collects a Butterfly Puzzle Piece matching the fruit space he/she has landed on.
The player turns over the Butterfly Puzzle Piece and places it in front of him/her and, as the player collects more, builds his/her Butterfly Puzzle.The player's turn is over and play passes to the left.
If the player lands on an empty circle on the Game Board, his/her turn is over and play passes to the left.
Moving Around the Board
Players can move in any direction on the Game Board including across the middle. If a player chooses to cross the middle of the Game Board, the Butterfly in the middle counts as one space.
Players do not need to land on a fruit space with an exact count. If a player crosses a fruit piece during his/her move, he/she Stops and Collects a Butterfly Puzzle Piece and the turn is over.
If a player crosses a fruit space that he/she has already landed on, he/she continues to move past the space and does not stop and collect an additional Butterfly Puzzle Piece.
If a player turns over a Movement Card with the caterpillar and junk food, he/she does not move and play passes to the left.
If a player turns over a Movement Card with the caterpillar and a leaf, he/she can move his/her playing piece to any fruit space he/she has not already landed on.
If the player has already landed on all of the fruit spaces and finished his/her Butterfly, he/she can move directly to the Butterfly in the center of the Game Board and the game is over.
End of the Game
The first player to build a Butterfly Puzzle and move his/her Caterpillar to the Butterfly space in the middle of the Game Board wins the game.
Note: You do not need to land on the Butterfly space with an exact count.
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