Katy Perry and Russell Brand get tattoos together, issue publicist planted People story

I smell a publicist-approved rat in the curious case of Katy Perry and Russell Brands marriage, which is sort of strange because this should be a very calm period for the couple. Katy just concluded her world tour, and presumably, the couple should be enjoying some togetherness (and perhaps plan for that crisis vacation) without

I smell a publicist-approved rat in the curious case of Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s marriage, which is sort of strange because this should be a very calm period for the couple. Katy just concluded her world tour, and presumably, the couple should be enjoying some togetherness (and perhaps plan for that crisis vacation) without feeling the need to run and tell the public about their alleged happiness at every moment. Yet all of a sudden, they’re striking out with a barrage of PR-friendly moves. First, TMZ just released photos of Katy and Russell hitting a tattoo shop last week after her last concert in Los Angeles:

With BS divorce rumors swirling … Katy Perry and Russell Brand permanently marked their happily married love last week by both getting tattoos after her concert in L.A.

Katy got a smiling peppermint on her ankle, while Russell marked his arm with the badge of his favorite soccer team, West Ham United.

Katy even proceeded to try her hand at the needle by inking brave legendary tattoo artist Bang Bang with the same peppermint symbol.

Katy & Russ are Mr. & Mrs. Branded.

[From TMZ]

Note that they didn’t get matching tattoos, not that it would matter anyway. Tattoos, matching or not, will never hold a marriage toether. Just ask Angelina Jolie (in regard to Billy Bob Thornton) on that one. At any rate, right before TMZ received the tattoo photos and published a week-old story, Katy started tweeting about rumors related to her marriage:

Katy ought to be careful about drawing humor-based, soap-opera allusions to the state of her marriage. She’s starting to sound like Guy Ritchie after the fact, but Katy’s never been known for her creativity. Anyway and after Katy started her tweet-denials, People magazine published a very obviously publicist-sanctioned report that speaks in glowing terms of Katy and Russell’s enduring love:

Katy Perry’s life is becoming a soap opera.

At least, that’s how the pop star sees it, given all the rumors surrounding her in recent days.

First, there was speculation that she was expecting, which she colorfully denied. Now, there have been rumors that her marriage is on the rocks – something Perry also denied Wednesday night with a joke on Twitter.

“First I’m pregnant & then I’m divorced. What am I All My Children?!” she quipped.

Earlier Wednesday night, Perry helped announce the Grammy nominations at a live concert in Los Angeles, where she sported her wedding ring. (Perry also snagged two nominations herself.)

Perry, 27, and Brand, 36, were married in October 2010 in a lavish ceremony – that included two elephants as well as acrobats and jugglers – at a luxury resort in northern India.

Since then, they’ve had nothing but fawning words for one another in interviews, with Perry calling Brand her great man of God, and he gushing about his spiritual and emotional connection to his bride.

[From People]

I’m inclined to feel sorry for Katy at this moment because, let’s face it, it’s hard enough to hold an ailing marriage together without feeling the need to shout things from a pink-tinted rooftop. Still, the timing here is really odd, and they’d be much better off ignoring split rumors rather than dismissing them and getting the PR teams involved yet again.

At this point, Katy and Russell just need to lay low and enjoy each other if they can manage to do so. They’ve been separated for most of the first year of their marriage, and it’s time to sink or swim together as a couple. Not to run around and issue statements to the press about babies and alcohol and being cool. They just need to shut up and be together, which would probably do a lot more good for their marriage than running to the press every five minutes.

Photos courtesy of PCN, Fame, and WENN

