Katy Perry promises to release NAKED video "to help change the world"

Katy Perry has teased fans by sharing a video still of her wearing her birthday suit. The star, a big Hillary Clinton supporter, is walking through a polling station completely naked, though her modesty is blurred out.

Katy Perry has teased fans by sharing a video still of her wearing her birthday suit.

The star, a big Hillary Clinton supporter, is walking through a polling station completely naked, though her modesty is blurred out.

"Tomorrow, I use my body as click bait to help change the world," she wrote alongside the post shared on Monday - the day of the US Presidential debate.

Katy recently talked about what she'd like to hear during the debates from the two candidates, saying: "National security, gun control, police reform, excess incarceration and women's rights."

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When Hillary claimed the Democratic nomination back in June, Katy was also very vocal, leading a number of famous faces who congratulated the politician on social media.

"A lot of little girls are in bed right now dreaming for the first time, without limits. You broke the mold," the pop star shared.

She was just as vocal during Monday night's Presidential debate, which saw the 68-year-old come out victorious.

"She's smiling with ease cause #shesgothis #ImWithHer #debatenight," she wrote. "This is like watching a frog sitting in water that is boiling slowly."

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