Masterchef Junior Recap 04/14/22: Season 8 Episode 5 Daphnes Baby Shower

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsays Masterchef Junior continues with an all-new Tuesday, April 14, 2022, season 8 episode 5 called Daphnes Baby Shower, and we have your weekly Masterchef Junior recap below. On tonights Masterchef Junior episode as per the FOX synopsis, To celebrate the approaching birth of her baby, judge and New York Times

Masterchef Junior Recap 04/14/22: Season 8 Episode 5 "Daphne's Baby Shower"

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsay’s Masterchef Junior continues with an all-new Tuesday, April 14, 2022, season 8 episode 5 called “Daphne’s Baby Shower,” and we have your weekly Masterchef Junior recap below. On tonight’s Masterchef Junior episode as per the FOX synopsis, “To celebrate the approaching birth of her baby, judge and New York Times best-selling cookbook author Daphne Oz challenges the remaining 12 young chefs to divide into two teams and create the ultimate savory and sweet balanced meal. The teams must satisfy the cravings of a restaurant full of mothers-to-be or face elimination.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Masterchef Junior recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Masterchef Junior videos, pics, news & recaps, right here!

Tonight’s Masterchef Junior recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The remaining chefs come to the kitchen to see the judges once again. There will have a special mission. Candy falls from the ceiling. They are throwing a baby shower not just for Daphne but for 21 other expecting mothers. Chef Ramsay announces it will be boys against girls. They all scream with excitement. Liya and Grayson will lead their teams.

Chef Ramsay announces this is an elimination challenge. They have 60 minutes. It’s going time. The teams collaborate within their groups to determine what they plan to serve. The judges make their rounds. Liya shares they plan to make salmon with sides and brownies for dessert. Grayson shares that they are doing a pan-seared chicken with sides and strawberry shortcake. Chef Ramsay corrects Freddy for putting raw garlic on top of seared chicken.

The judges notice the blue team is falling apart while the pink team is communicating well. Chef Ramsay asks the blue team to bring up their dish. The chicken is raw and the tapenade is not of the right consistency. He tells Grayson to get his team together. Liya presents the girls’ salmon next. It is overcooked and everything is greasy. He tries quinoa and spits it out. Liya is stressing out. She runs back to her team about how they need to improve.

The ladies arrive for the baby shower. Daphne spends time with them while Aaron and Gordon tend to the chefs. They jump on each team to make sure it is good.

Gordon is not happy with the blue team. Freddy is not doing well. He is behind with cooking enough chicken. Grayson regrets leading the team. He believes he is better at being a member of the team. They have 12 minutes left. Gordon helps the boys plate. They are still finding raw chicken. Gordon tells them to work as a team or they will all go home. Meanwhile, the girls have picked up their speed and teamwork. The pink starts to stress as the time ticks down.

The time is up. The teams are arguing as servers take their plates away. Cruz thinks this is ridiculous. Some of his team members are being dramatic. The ladies dig in. They seem to love both dishes. Daphne thinks the pink team did very well. She notices the blue team has chicken being served that is both undercooked and overcooked. In the kitchen, the teams start finishing up their desserts.

Grayson feels like they are working better now. They assemble their shortcake. Gordon must redirect Freddy again. The ladies are making very large portions. Aaron asks them if they should cut them down. It is too late. The servers pick up the desserts.

The boys bicker while the girls hug out their success. The ladies enjoy their desserts. Daphne loved the pink team’s dessert. As for the blue team, Daphne thinks they really excelled at the dessert. The chefs come out to meet the ladies. The ladies cast their votes.

The winning team of tonight’s challenge is the pink team. They are all safe. It’s on to the blue team. One of the six is going home. The judges discuss. They head to see the boys. Gordon calls certain members of the team forward. Freddy, Adon, and Cruz are left unsafe. But it is Freddy who is going home. They commend him for his hard work but he had trouble tonight. He needs to use this to move forward. Freddy says goodbye to all.


