The Spotlight Is On Franchn

Dwayne Johnsons phrase Its about drive, its about power / we stay hungry, we devour could easily represent Franchns unstoppable drive and willpower of her victorious boxing career.

Dwayne Johnson’s phrase “It’s about drive, it’s about power / we stay hungry, we devour” could easily represent Franchón’s unstoppable drive and willpower of her victorious boxing career. 

Who is Franchón, you may ask? Franchón is the longest reigning and first female undisputed super middleweight boxing champion of the world. On top of that, she is a talented musician, dream-chaser, and confident, empowering role model for girls all around the world. 

After appearing on the fourth season of American Idol when Franchón was 17, she received feedback from the infamous Simon Cowell that might have ruined other people’s spirits, not for Franchón. Cowell said: “You can’t be good at everything.” Instead of backing down and rethinking her dream, Franchón buckled up and worked harder than ever before. 

As a boxing champion, Franchón is ready to devour top of the charts with the new dance smash ‘Secret Place,’ the first teaser of her debut album coming next year. Working alongside C-Rod, the esteemed American songwriter and producer at Miami’s legendary Criteria Recording Studios, Franchón explores the symbiosis of her powerhouse vocals with more dance-pop soundscapes. 

In other news, you cannot miss Franchón’s next fight. Be there or be square. On Saturday, July 1st, Franchón will face Savannah Marshall at AO Arena in Manchester. Prepare to be entertained. Franchón not only conquers her opponents but also puts on a good show for everyone watching. 

Listen to ‘Secret Plcae’ out now. 

