What the Book of Coordination is in Lost Ark

The Book of Coordination is a powerful menu for players to access prior to PVP battles in Lost Ark. Accessing the Book of Coordination allows players to tinker with the specific skills that they will take into the player versus player arena. Different builds for different situations can be saved within the Book.

The Book of Coordination is a powerful menu for players to access prior to PVP battles in Lost Ark.

Accessing the Book of Coordination allows players to tinker with the specific skills that they will take into the player versus player arena. Different builds for different situations can be saved within the Book.

It is the best way for players to determine what builds they may like and what the true potential of their class may be. From fully customized builds to preset recommendations, the Book of Coordination is a huge help.

How to access the Book of Coordination in Lost Ark

The different PVP modes allow for Book of Coordination access (Image via Smilegate)

Once players reach level 20 and have finished the portion of the main story that deals with Luterra, PVP battles will now be unlocked. This, in turn, opens up the Book of Coordination for use.

Once it becomes available, players can open the Book of Coordination from the game's menu. Just open the in-game menu screen and select the submenu to open the Book.

How to use the Book of Coordination in Lost Ark

A look at the Book of Coordination (Image via Smilegate)

Open the Book of Coordination and there will be multiple tabs, each labeled after the different PVP modes in the game. Inside of those tabs are even more tabs that allow for multiple presets in that specific mode.

There are a certain number of stat points that players can put into a variety of categories. Those categories are:

  • Crit: Increases the chance of critical damage dealt.
  • Specialization: Increases the effectiveness of class abilities and awakening skills.
  • Domination: Increases damage to debuffed enemies.
  • Swiftness: Increases attack and movement speed and reduces ability cooldowns.
  • Endurance: Increases health and armor.
  • Expertise: Improves debuffs and reduces effectiveness of enemy debuffs.

Next up is the Skill Tuning page. Instead of assigning points to stats, it lists every skill available for the class being played. There are 340 skill points to place throughout all of the abilities.

The Book of Coordination is a wonderful way to mess around with different class builds without having to change the stats or skills used in the typical PVE settings of Lost Ark.

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