Where can GTA Online players find Obey Rocoto?

GTA Online players have a lot of different activities to participate in during free roaming. This includes selling cars for a quick buck, including the Obey Rocoto. Its a four-door mid-sized luxury SUV, and one can earn $8,500 every time they sell the car after stealing it.

GTA Online players have a lot of different activities to participate in during free roaming. This includes selling cars for a quick buck, including the Obey Rocoto. It’s a four-door mid-sized luxury SUV, and one can earn $8,500 every time they sell the car after stealing it.

However, finding the Rocoto may not be easy, especially for beginners. This is because the car doesn’t appear on the mini-map. To help gamers out, his article will share all the possible locations where gamers can find the vehicle.

List of possible locations of Obey Rocoto in GTA Online in 2022

The Obey Rocoto can be randomly found on the streets of GTA Online. That said, there are few places on the map where it tends to appear more often. Gamers can check the following locations in Los Santos and Blaine County to have a higher chance of finding the vehicle:

  • Vespucci Canals/Palomino Ave
  • East Vinewood
  • Chamberlain Hills
  • Vespucci Canals/South Rockford DR
  • Little Seoul
  • Burton
  • Little Seoul/South Rockford DR
  • Rockford Hills
  • Richman
  • Burton
  • Del Perro/Marathon Ave
  • Vinewood Hills
  • Pacific Bluffs
  • Del Perro/San Andreas Ave
  • Vespucci/Magellan Ave
  • Little Seoul/Innocence RLVD
  • La Puerta/Palomino Ave
  • La Puerta/Greenwich PKWY
  • Los Santos International Airport
  • Vespucci Canals/Vespucci BLVD

Once players steal the car, they can drive it to the nearest Los Santos Customs and sell it. Players can also choose to customize the vehicle instead and use it however they please.

Everything to know about Obey Rocoto in GTA Online: Price, performance, and more

GTA Online's Obey Rocoto seems to have taken inspiration from the following real-life cars:

  • 1st and 2nd generation Porsche Cayenne, Audi Q5 - Overall design
  • 2nd generation Volkswagen Touareg - Tail lights and headlights

Its visual appearance consists of the following components, giving it a large body and plenty of room for the passengers:

Front body

  • Rectangular mesh intake in a black section
  • Trapezium-shaped main grille
  • Four horizontal elements over the pattern
  • Two plastic horizontal elements with rhomboid-shaped outer intakes
  • The colored middle separation between modern strips
  • Plastic trim around a small rectangular grille
  • Dual circular headlamps
  • Triangle-shaped amber signals
  • Curve-lined bonnet

Side body

  • Black details around the wheel arches and skirting the area
  • Silver trim around black inner pillars and the windows
  • Rounded mirror shells mounted on the front doors

Rear body

  • Rear compartment door
  • Roof spoiler
  • Two rectangular brake lamps
  • The Obey emblem below the lower-silver strip
  • Dual exhaust tubes on the edges of the rear vented section

When it comes to performance, the Obey Rocoto runs on a V8 engine combined with a five-speed gearbox in an AWD layout. It is a perfect alternative to other popular SUVs, including the Dubsta and the Baller.

The vehicle provides a great balance between on-road and off-road performance due to its responsive handling and AWD layout. It can also reach a top speed of 107.50 mph (173.00 km/h), as tested by Broughy1322.

Players can normally purchase the vehicle from the Southern San Andreas Super Autos in-game website for a cost of $85,000. The selling price of a purchased Rocoto is $51,000 in GTA Online.

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